PIC Design Services
We provide integrated photonics design and layout services for industry, government, and academia in silicon, silicon nitride, III-V, lithium niobate and more.

Spark Photonics delivers a powerful one-stop shop for scalable integrated photonics design through the unification of design expertise and design software. We can meet your needs at any stage of the design process, from an initial concept feasibility study to component design to fabrication-ready layout.
As the official North American distributor of Luceda IPKISS design software, Spark can help you transition to full ownership of your design flow and support you every step of the way.

PIC Design Software
Spark Photonics is the official sales and support partner of Luceda Photonics in North America.
The Luceda Photonics Design Platform is a first-time-right photonic IC design software. Automate and integrate all aspects of your photonic design flow in one tool, using one standard language.
First-time-right PIC design software.
Luceda AWG Designer
Manufacturable AWGs with a simple flow.
Luceda IP Manager
Automated testing of photonics IP, ideal for building PDKs.
PDKs, ADKs, and TDKs
Access to offerings for PIC fabrication, assembly/package, and test.
Link for Ansys Lumerical
For your FDTD and EME simulations.
Link for Dassault Systèmes Simulia
For your FDTD simulations.
Link for Siemens EDA
The power of IPKISS in the L-Edit GUI.
Link for Check Mate DRC
Run DRC with just one line of code.

About Luceda Photonics
Luceda Photonics enables photonic IC designers to enjoy the same power as electronic IC designers. Luceda automates and integrates the complete photonic design flow in a Python-based platform that enables design teams to easily share and reuse their photonic design IP using a standard language.

About Check Mate DRC
Check Mate Design Rule Check (DRC) software enables PIC designers to check their layout files for design errors prior to taping out.